Who We Are

We are a volunteer organization that supports the mission of A Woman’s Place by fundraising, assisting with community education about the needs of abused persons and their children, increasing awareness in the community about A Woman’s Place services, volunteering at A Woman’s Place and at support activities, honoring women who make a difference in Weld County.

How You Can Help

The date for the 2024 Celebrating Women Gala will be announced soon.

2023 friends of a woman's place

Every year, Friends of A Woman’s Place hosts an annual Gala in honor of
extraordinary women in Weld County.

We are proud to announce the honorees for the 2023 Outstanding Women of Weld County

Lori Berdahl

Advocate for Youth Health

Laurie Berdahl

Emma Pena-McCleave

Community Empowerment

Emma Peña-McCleave

Erin- rady

Community Advocate

Erin Brady

Karent Plasencia-

Community Champion

Karent Plasencia

Diane Miller

Community Leader

DIane Miller

Karen Trusler

Leader in Education

Karen Trusler

Hear From the Women Supported by The Friends of a Woman's Place

 ​”Thank you for everything, for being there for me, when I was alone, in shock and in need of help. You all helped me heal and learn more about domestic violence. I appreciate all the help you gave to me. You are all very appreciated.”
 “This place saved my life and was a true blessing to me and my children’  
“You all made this traumatic part of my life easy to strengthen my self-worth and reminded me of the woman I know I can be and I will be and stay from this day forward. SKY’S THE LIMIT!!”

About the Woman's Place

A Woman’s Place is the only domestic violence service agency in Weld County. In addition to safe shelter services (most often for immediate safety needs), A Woman’s Place continues to provide a continuum of professional services for victims/survivors of domestic violence, both residential and nonresidential.

Friends of a Woman's Place Board Members

  • Beth Aleman
  • Heather Bjorland
  • Amy Boyd
  • Robin Brewer
  • Sandy Bright
  • Colleen Callahan
  • Corny Dietz
  • Drew Esquivel
  • Jane Fisher
  • Carolyn Gattis
  • Ashley Green
  • Paige Gust
  • Myra Hanson
  • Ginny Hogan
  • Diane Heldt
  • Renee Jaccaud
  • Alicia Johnson
  • Ronna Johnston
  • Christie Malnati
  • Paige Maloney
  • Juanita  Martinez-Rocha
  • Diane Miller
  • Jean Morrell
  • Heather Nakamura
  • Brandi Nieto
  • Carolyn Rainbolt
  • Dr. Heather Schulte
  • Stephanie Williams

The organization was founded as a crisis line in 1977 by a group of local men and women who recognized the need for intervention for victims of domestic violence in Weld County.